If the electricity market were not covered by characteristics that significantly distance it from other markets, the pulse that is being waged today in our country between renewable technologies and conventional technologies would have occurred ten years ago. Moreover, the role of the administration in the transition process would not go beyond a limited surveillance role in avoiding abuses between competitors and defending consumer rights.
This is what happens in one of the sectors that most reluctant has been demonstrated when facing its inevitable mutation, as is shared by the oil and automobile empires. Although the motor industry has resisted accepting its destiny, and governments have been dragging their feet showing unjustifiable myopia, the electric vehicle is gaining ground to its predecessor covering at annual speed stages that the most optimistic had calculated in five years.
In one of his first speeches as president, Barack Obama assigned those who would move the fastest in the implementation of renewable energies the role of economic leaders of the future. Thus, the countries that previously completed their energy transitions will be in a position to guarantee platforms of certainty for investment in practically all industrial sectors.
Raising in this scenario a proposal to extend the useful life of the nuclear park, as the Government has just made public in recent weeks, is equivalent to slow down and increase our energy transition as a country and, consequently, to renounce in favor of third parties to all expectations of industrial modernization.
Thus, while in the current calendar of useful life of the nuclear power plants established in the forties, the Government and electricity companies would have to be implementing the just transition plans for each territory with the reference of a decade ahead – why not proposing a substitution of evicted nuclear power, by assigning equivalent renewable power, with technologies appropriate to the conditions of territories in transition.
The plans that the Ministry of Energy seems to handle imply deferring advances in this field until the year 2040, and even until 2050. This is as much as making that transition unviable; One or two decades of delay are ten or twenty years lost, which in the rhythms of the twenty-first century equals two industrial revolutions.